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You know, I can’t believe it’s been this long since my last post. Boy time has been flying by. I’ve been so busy over the past few months with work, the kids, buying a new home, and just trying to live my life. I even went an entire week without internet thanks to cable company mixing up our information during the move and not shipping the equipment. It all worked out, I spent less time working and browsing and more time with the kids.


So our new house is actually over 50 miles away from our old one since I took my new job. I thought for sure I was going to miss my old home. I mean, I lived there for almost 10 years. You know what though, I’m completely happy with my new house. It has so many things my old one didn’t. We have so much room now to store things, for the kids to play, and above all else, it’s safe and quiet! I’m sure this is exactly what I needed to start a new chapter in my life


I know this one was short, but I’m out of time for today. Check back in regularly, I should be posting a lot more these days now that I’m settled. If I keep browsing Etsy and Pinterest on a daily basis, I’ll have plenty to blog about between the things I see on those, my family, and my health. Thanks Y’all!